Sunday, November 1, 2009

Finding inner peace

Everything depends on the mind.

When things go wrong in our life and we encounter difficult situations we tend to regard the situation itself as the problem, but in reality whatever problems we experience come from the mind. If we were to respond to difficulties with a positive or peaceful mind they would not be problems for us; indeed we may even come to regard them as challenges or opportunities for growth and development. Problems arise only if we respond to situations with a negative state of mind. Therefore, if we want to transform our life and be free from problems we must learn to transform our mind. Sufferings, problems, worries, unhappiness, and pain all exist within our mind; they are all unpleasant feelings, which are part of the mind. Through controlling and purifying our mind we can stop them once and for all.

As long as we search for peace and happiness in adjusting our surroundings, friends, material possesions and image, we are looking for peace and happiness in things which are impermanent and external. They bring joy and entertainment, but also suffering and dissapointment when they change, we get bored or we have to part with them. These things are not inherently peace and happiness.

Peace and happiness are a state of mind - so Buddhist teachings aim to work on the mind, to train it to be peaceful, whatever the life situation.

quote from





It is so true! It reminds me of the day, when the beloved 妙赞法师told us: Stress cannot be seen. It is merely a delusion of mind. (压力是无形的。) Does it realy exist? Is there a thing called 'stress' in this world? No..Yet, why are people always suffering from great stress??

This is just one of the example.Homework, Jobs, exams..what are they actually? why do they make people feel stressed and why do humans get frightened by the "stress" created by their mind?? For instance, the day when I get my homework with their respective deadlines, the stress level in me starts to accumulate to a peak. I got so "tensed up" and perhaps burn the midnight oil to complete them. As soon as the deadline comes and I pass up the homework, I feel totally relieved. The stress comes and goes. And my heart goes up and down with it, fooled by my mind.

Things and feelings are impermanent. Let's free our mind from the delusions. See the thing as it is: the homework as homework, the chores as the chores. There's no stress you can find from it. The fun thing is, you know the homework is not called as a homework anymore when u finish it - it is just a name created by our mind as well!

And I recalled the reverend said that, we must always remind ourselves that we are actually very "free" (我们是很得空的闲人!)Thus u free yourselves from lots of so-called "hassles" or "busy duties" in your life. Oh i miss Reverend "Marvellous Praise" a lot! ^^


  1. yup.. Agree on that! let's be 闲人! =)

  2. when you're looking for the peace,
    you will only find doubts and uncertainty.
    when you accept the doubts and uncertainty,
    you will find the peace.

    Concepts and examples only help us to understand, but living with the problems will make us learn faster and wiser.
