Wednesday, June 30, 2010

从朋友的profile那儿看到好美好美的照片,可是又不想写在ooh carol,因为会惊动全世界!keke,所以,让我放在这里好吗?*点头* haha~^^

原来啊,澳洲的天空是那么美而多云的。很美kan?*点头* 哈哈哈



Recently I am sooo into Matrix. The storyline is really interesting, and I wouldn't know the bunch of meanings behind some seemingly plain scene if not I search it online. So, it happened that I spend my whole night exploring the meanings of the fabulous matrix in the movie and it is really interesting!Some say that it is related to christianity's genesis; Some said the directors, Brothers Warswoski, relate it to the Buddhism and Mathematics concept. But then for me, it is still cannot be considered as a Buddhist film; Although the main characters in the movie claim that they're awake from the matrix, what they really mean is mainly for their physical circumstances but not for the minds. Although they talked about the freedom of mind, they still believe that there is a thing called soul which should be freed from matrix. This is contradictory to the concept in Buddhism.

However,there is some scenes in the movie which makes the audience feels the same ( 有共鸣)。 Just like sometimes in life we will question: Is it that kind of life we can only have? Is it another path we can go? And in deeper sense we'll try to find out what life really means. Why are we here. what is the truth behind life? We are searching for answer we can be satisfied with. Just like neo. His searching for ever leads him to the answer :The matrix. My searching leads me to Buddhism.

And in Matrix one there is another scene, a kid who bends the spoon. When Neo is amazed by what he did, he said, " You must know, there is no spoon." This complies to What buddhism text has told us, how the world is formed and it keeps changing by merely combining and parting. There is no spoon, and everytime we take the things around us so real.

And then Neo finds out the truth that even the city of Zion where he believes the humans gain the real freedom, is also another form of matrix created by the machines. The architect told him, the failure of the matrix is because a lack of choice. However, he said, 99% of them will choose to live in the virtual world of matrix and only a minority will question their existence and reject matrix. This is so true oh. People are so cling to and indulged in their pursuing of desire and five senses that even though they are shown the noble path which can lead to nirvana, they may not want to accept the truth and still wish to live in a comfortable life ahead, experiencing life and death again and again.

Of course we're not as said in the movie, controlled by the sentient machines living in a world of matrix. Haha. However pathetically we stay in more or less the same matrix created by ourselves. We are lucky, as in the end of our searching we found Buddhism. This is all dependent on our own effort, whether we really want to wake up from the illusions we are living in. When Buddha said it is possible, by one's own effort, one is possible to attain nirvana. No one can help me to do this unless by myself.

Monday, June 28, 2010



Wednesday, June 23, 2010


昨天跟公公婆婆去吃午餐回来,便呼拉躺在沙发上看astro,正好有一台播映着《早熟》,是房祖名与薛海琪主演的。从电影的一半开始看起,说着两小无猜如何面对社会父母的压力,离家出走,然后再吃苦的生活当中体会到父母当年的含辛茹苦。人总要亲自经历了一些事情方能真正的成长。看到后面后面,让我哭得稀哩哇啦的,好感动耶,好一部富有教育性的写实电影呀!想起张栋梁唱得 《爸爸妈妈》:“生活的压力真大 爸爸妈妈多苦也撑起了一个家 。” 真的要好好报答父母恩啊!

今天终于回UCSI去了,见了Mr. Tan,和他开心地谈了许久的天。好笑的是我们竟然谈到很多关于“爱情”的事。以前我遇到比较不熟的朋友,内心都会比较害怕和紧张,怕不懂得和别人了什么,也不懂别人怎样看自己。可是噢,现在的自己好像不会了,虽然事前会有一点点这样想,但是,内心多了一份踏实的力量,让我可以从容地,以自己去面对他人。^^ 噢对了,Mr tan 给了我好多免费的爱情advice,他大概是担心我嫁不出去吧。哈哈。但是,无可否认的,看过太多婚姻的不完美,对婚姻失去信心的我,大概也真的很难吧!除非。。奇迹会出现。哈哈。我是等待的,只是我期盼的有时真的太完美了。

然后也见到了buddY的旧朋友,也认识了BuddY 的新朋友!Chiew rui超搞笑的,他变得好年轻,好容光焕发了!现在的JUNIOR,个个都好善良,也不会对像我酱的陌生人感到羞怯,他们真的好可爱哦。只是感觉上他们还未对佛法产生坚定不移地信心,愿善良的他们能够持着学佛的心,细水长流,正如当初学长们如何看着我们成长一样。



Monday, June 21, 2010

That Day, I kissed my dad.

Happy Father's Day!
It was Sunday this year's Father's Day lies on. I have no present to give to him, but I thought it would be great if I can give him a surprise by a simple hug and kiss. I have attempted to do so since I woke up but since dad looked so stern all the time, it's kinda awkward to approach him suddenly and he might treated it as an "attack". hahaha. I was trying to find some chances. After coming back from breakfast, I knew that my dad was going out to work in the afternoon. Hmmm, that might be a great opportunity for me to surprise him before he went out!! So when he was tidying his stuffs and was about to go out, I pretend to speak to my mom and pretend to be around, sitting on the sofa, tidying my books, waiting for the right time to come. Heart is beating fast. At last, he picked up his shirt, wore it on and turned around to take his wallet. I quickly woke up from the sofa and caught him, hugged him from the side and two kisses on his cheeks, wishing him Happy Father's Day and may him drive safely.

He cracked jokes on me after that! I am happy and he is happy. So nice. Then when I stepped into the kitchen and my mom seemed to witness everything, I hugged and kissed her too, before she manage to say, " Why is that only for daddy!?"  haha. That night, my dad looked less stern and he talked a bit more to me. Isn't that lovely? Although the action has passed but the energy of the action returned to I and my dad and it will be stored in our memories and affecting us since ever. That's the power of karma.

Many times, when we try to do sth that we are unfamiliar with, there is always mental struggles which i shall call it "pre-mental syndrome" whatsoever..haha..What i meant is, there're always whispers around my head which makes me struggle between doing it or not. e.g. The idea of suprising my dad, my egoness arises and will say," Don't do it. It is so paiseh lah. Forget about it lah." Or maybe I'll hear, "Haha, so funny! You'll be laughed for doing so. Pointless." But when I find the strength to turn of the button of those whisperers, and clear in mind that, this is a good act. And I just wanna show my dad how much I love him. And if i don't do this, I'll be thinking about it or regretting it for the whole day. Then just do it. haha. All of us got overwhelmed joy by overcoming my egoness and not to be fooled by it. So, just do it when you believe it is something right to do. Don't be fooled and controlled by negative thoughts. It's not the thing that is so hard it's the whisperers that is hard to be overcome.

Although he may not be a perfect dad. But I will remember the promise of unconditional love. Complaining does not make a change but one positive thought makes a change.

Thursday, June 17, 2010



Wednesday, June 16, 2010




可我必须承认,在家里,心情的起伏比较大,也非常容易受到最亲近的父母的言行举止所影响。然而父母的情绪也是常常上上下下的,尤其是父亲的脾性,常会让我感到无所适从。从以前的害怕,到憎厌,以及相隔一年后受到一丝丝影响的美好心情,我好像开始晓得,有时候我也要学会disconnect from我的父母,学会保护自己内心的宁静。而且这是社会的趋势吗?回到家,听见大人们的对话,无不是对国家社会政府天气的埋怨。埋怨好像真的成了一股趋势。保护自己,这不是叫我变得对周遭冷漠,而是让我更有力量把内心的善法传出去。以前的因把我带到了这里,是憎恨与不满改变不了的事实,但是我深信爱心与慈悲是很有力量的法,能让我好好保护自己的心,再看因缘净化他人的心。这段在家的时间,正是最好的磨炼。愿自己的心日益强壮,自利利他。


Friday, June 11, 2010

The last night in Cotswold.

It is the last night in Cotswold. Although the whole building was just left with me now, I've still survived through the few days of solitude.

Tomorrow, will be a journey back to my home. The home which shines out of my heart. A place I can regain my manja-ness and enjoy the love and caring of my family and relatives. However, it is a weird saddening kind of feeling to think about going home. It's weird, isn't it? I felt somehow home sick when the days to get back are nearer. The feeling arises when I come to think of the lovely summer in home will only last for three months. And then, there will be another 9 months of long eager waiting for the next reunion. But this is my choice. When you gain something, you'll definitely lose some. There's surely some precious moments about my family and friends which I won't be able to join in. The absence of me in the subsequent repeated nine months of studying abroad in the future four years. Nah, I was being a bit too into my feeling when I thought of this.

When you ask me what is the biggest thing that I learn from studying abroad and travelling around? Perhaps I would say it's about learning how to appreciate and how to let go. I appreciate for being able to be at home when I have experienced the tiredness and hastiness of travelling; Within a year, from travelling to moving to a new house, it teaches me more about experiencing the impermanence of life. The environment around me is always changing; The relationships and things are always changing; There are, until I find till the very end, nothing for me to clutch on during your journey of life. No matter how nice the accommodation is, there is always a time for me to say goodbye. For the time being, I have to farewell to the Cotswold building; After 4 years, it will be UK; And then, when I am as old as an old women, I have to be prepared to farewell to my life. More than this, I should be prepared for not able to say goodbye anytime which I don't know when the death suddenly knocks on my door.

Because of the experience of impermanence, here comes the appreciation of every moment. Because the summer at home is so short, just like when you realise that life is never too long, I want to try my best to please everyone I met when I am back. To be more obedient as a daughter and grandchild, to be more truthful and selfless as a friend. To leave more happy memories behind when you're with a person, to hope to give them a smile instead of any other unpleasant feelings. You'll start to forgive about the imperfection of them and focus on the kindness and joy of life. If I were never have the chance to study abroad, I would have treated everything around me as usual and was thought to live the life in a dull way. It's not the life which is dull, it's me who didn't see the beauty of it until I experience the partial absence of it.

Besides of appreciation, I've also learn a bit about letting go. When life goes on smoothly and easily, we tend to grab some materials to be part of our memories or souvenirs. If you're a real traveller,You'll bring nothing back. Because, too much of things and memories and burden makes your journey harder. The step will be getting smaller and smaller until you're forced to stand still at a point, and decide to throw away some of the stories and keep only the most delicate ones. When we're moving stuffs to new house, isn't it so hard to bring all the stuffs along? The more you grab, the more troubles you've got too. The time I was packing, I realised I didn't really use most of the stuffs that I kept nicely in my drawer. They're just being pulled out occasionally, eg the time when you're moving stuffs. What a person needs in a day is actually very little, but the amount a person wants to bring along can be dreadful. Be simple; I can bring stuffs to a new house, but I can't bring anything that I own now to a new life.

Later when I wake up, I'll be leaving this place very soon.  悄悄的我走了,正如我悄悄地来。That's all I wish to do now. =)